Ways To Buy A Used Accountants

experience with both  products so Nitschke Nancarrow Accountants obviously you know I’d  encourage you to play with both products  and form your own opinion about which  one you like better you may not care  about the things that I care about my  perspective on these things is as that  of a CFO who consults with companies to  get the information compiled in a way  that I feel is accurate and then  ultimately pull the information out and  pull the information out in the form of  reporting

Young Businesswoman Calculating Bill With Computer And Laptop On Desk

and I need good reporting so I  can review those reports with my clients  and perform the right strategic analysis  and come up with the right strategic  plans for my clients so with that said  we’re going to take a look first at the  bank feeds in QuickBooks Online you  click on the banking menu here on the  left in Xero right from the dashboard  you’re going to see your bank accounts  and we can click for example here which  says reconcile  items to get into  zeros Bank feed area you’re going to  find as you look at these side-by-side  that both of them essentially

work the  same way very different layout very  different interface but you’ll see that  in both cases we have some transactions  that are matched this is what we  downloaded from the bank it looks like  we have a match to or a potential match  to something that’s already been  recorded in QuickBooks in Xero same  thing here we have something on the left  that was downloaded from the bank and on  the right what appears to be and all  likelihood a match so so far no real  difference between the two other than  the layout and interface they both work  the same they both do it very well now  this is a deep dive so let’s dig a  little deeper when we look at one of  these matches I could go in here and say  you know what no I don’t think this is a  match let’s go

create it or let’s find  another match right find and match you  can click this link here and it will  give you other potential matches and  what this also gives you the opportunity  to do as you can see here is let’s say  that the transaction that was downloaded  from the bank is actually the total of  two separate transactions I have here in  Xero it makes it very easy for me to  check  the multiple transactions in Xero that  tie to it downloaded at the bank so this  is a great feature QuickBooks Online  essentially does the same thing I can  click into the transaction it shows me  and shows me why it thinks this might be  a match but I can click I can click here  where it says find other matching 

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